Diablo 1 download free mac
Diablo 1 download free mac

Revived Gargoyles don't flee anymore when injured.Revived Gargoyles now properly follow the owner.Critical hotfix for characters getting corrupted in 0.1.6!.Added displaying "ZeroTier detected " message below IP if ZeroTier IP is available.Added displaying "EMPTY" if the list is empty.Added displaying a timer on online list - now you know when the list is going to refresh.Added keeping all backups of characters - if something goes wrong, you always have a copy!.Disabled trading - it could cause crashes or even corrupt character!.

#Diablo 1 download free mac mod

New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.6c has been released and added to the download section. move "restart in town" menu option to top of the menu to avoid accidentally pressing "new game".move map qlvl label from top right corner to top left - after map name.fix assassin damage bonus (was only on character sheet earlier), now it works properly.That way you can figure out what's the min monster lvl that can drop the unique/set item you want. 34 exceeds the min qlvl range (1-25) so it gets reduced to 25.the qlvl of the final item is a random value between min and max.max value is forced to be above or equal to 6.min value is forced to be in 1-25 range.min value is (qlvl / 3) - 10 - the division is rounded down.the input to the formula is map qlvl for chests/racks or monster qlvl for monsters.explanation to item generation qlvl formula:.add showing qlvl to set/unique items while holding map's qlvl in top right corner - map qlvl is used for generating items from chests/racks.

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  • qlvl of other items dropped by hoarders is increased by 3.
  • if books are the loot (25% chance), then there's 10% chance to drop a recipe instead of a book - applies to multiple books!.
  • Fully restore hp/mana after restarting in town.
  • diablo 1 download free mac

    Assassin's damage bonus for having one hand free increases from 25% to 125%.Added "/respec" command - YES! Stat respec! But it's not free, resets ALL spells to level 0 too.Allowed accessing player level/character class and info if item is identified or not to loot filters (replace your lootFilter/a with new one).Added a timestamp to crash memory dumps.Updated game libraries to the latest version.Animated mana/heath orbs - settings for them in config.txt.Added support for "patch_rt.mpq" - you can add japanese voice pack or other memes.Fixed the "ZeroTier detected" message - now it should only appear when it detects ZeroTier, not ALWAYS like before.RELOCATE THEM IF YOU WANT TO KEEP USING THEM! NO WIPE YET! JUST CHANGED SAVE LOCATION! MOVED SAVES FROM C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Diablo 1 Tchernobog TO GAME FOLDER!.New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.1.6g has been released and added to the download section. Allowed going to previous screen with ESC during character name selection or multiplayer IP screen.Added /roll command for rolling a 0-99 number.Increased max shop sell item price - 25k base + 25k per difficulty.Items with durability decreased by hidden shrine can't have current durability greater than max anymore.Fixed a bug where scavengers awarded no xp if killed while they were eating a corpse.

    diablo 1 download free mac

  • Display info about X hotkey for level 1 characters.
  • Unique: Eaglerhorn -> Eaglehorn, Goreshowel -> Goreshovel.
  • Help panel: When and item -> When an item.
  • Fixed a bug where you had to restart game after respec for spellbooks magic requirements to be recalculated properly.
  • Adjusted assassin's magic casting speed to match fire and lightning spells (casting will be slower).
  • Increase timeout duration (from 5 to 20 seconds) - hopefully this will prevent being dropped because of having a lot of items in stash.
  • diablo 1 download free mac

  • Added description for warrior's forge mastery skill.
  • Updated golem spell description - it doesn't benefit from magic, but from mana.
  • Spellpower boost for zombies/skeletons doesn't include bonuses from stats (with vit bonus to hp being an exception - it does benefit from spellpower).
  • Made spellpower boost golem / and necro zombies/skeletons - who knows, maybe some max mana max spellpower golem build is torment viable now :).
  • Which means golem should get hit less and hit more often!
  • golem level previously was always set to 1, now it's equal to caster's.
  • armor: 50 + spell level * 10 + difficulty bonus.
  • resists: 20 + spell level * 5 - caps at 75 (80 if spell level 15+).
  • All summons should display their stats accurately now - armor / level / resists.
  • New version of the Tchernobog mod v0.2.0f has been released and added to the download section.

    Diablo 1 download free mac