Fallout new vegas mod manager 4g mod#
The Mod Configuration Menu – This mod lets you customize other mods, and enable/disable features with them. You need a mod manager for this game, ideally Mod Organizer 2 which leaves your core game intact so you can’t break it by installing mods. You just need to get the actors id by clicking on them and enter prid _ then once you enter the new cell, type in moveto player. For instance, in combination with the addscriptpackage 4083b you can use this to have followers continue with you into new cells. It selects an actor, or anything, without actually having to see them. prid baseid – This command is helpful in many situations.Base ID’s can be found on Fallout 3’s wikia website. To use this command, combine aceatme with a base ID in the same line, then enter it. I personally use this to spawn creatures, pit them against each other, watch them fight and make bets. aceatme baseid – This command places an object or creature in front of you.

To get the menus back, just enter the command again. tfc 0 returns you to your body and unpauses the game. tfc 1 pauses the game and lets you float around as a spectator. This command is used to set up screenshots. This is useful for if you get stuck between some objects and can’t move. Entering it once enables no-clipping (or disables collisions, same thing), while entering it again enables collisions.

I haven’t gotten any of them to follow me into Metro stations. Also, sometimes your follower won’t follow you past a loading screen. They’ll follow you until death, or sometimes you might have to re-enter this after reloading a save. To use this, open the console, click on a non-hostile creature, and enter that command.
Fallout new vegas mod manager 4g mods#

Mods are almost always installed into your Fallout New Vegas\Data (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data).To see some gameplay with these mods in action, look here. These mods will make your game look better, play better and just add loads of new content. Keep in mind that many of the mods listed here require most if not all of the DLC, so be sure to get them!

With those statistics, we decided it would be smart to give everyone a list of essential mods to download. According to Steam, Fallout New Vegas still has thousands of active players every day.